Saturday, October 8, 2011

Aging can proffer a great freedom to a person. When you are young, you are obsessed with how you look, the external you. You are held prison by your own vanity. If you live your life wisely, you will be freed of this as your body changes from the fresh, unsullied construct of youth to a worn and torn vessel for your maturing spirit. When you no longer care if you are wearing the latest style, you will be freed up to actually enjoy being.

My first real post for this blog, copied directly from a recent FaceBook post.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Yeah, It's Really MY Cockamamy Ideas

What's it all about (Alfie)? What will this blog be about? No single topic, I can tell you that. But like my other blog, Hot Buttered Groat Clusters, this one will be more text-oriented, and will be about serious subjects of interest to me. My interests are rather broad, and I am into everything from politics to spirituality. I will hold forth on whatever captures my fancy at the moment, and I will have a number of series posts over time on larger topics. It doesn't mean I have abandoned humor completely, as there will be plenty of that in and around the posts. I will try to find illustrations to break up the monotony of textual posts. God knows, the minute I see an almost totally verbal blog, I wander away looking for something that piques my visual nature more.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Progress Update

Alright, I am just fiddling about with the look of the blog, but I will very quickly start posting. Come again, soon.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Just made this one, folks. Nothin' much to see for now. Come back in a week or two.